- Any structure subject to demolition or renovation built prior to 1974 requires an asbestos survey by a licensed NYS inspector
- Fibers can remain and accumulate in the lungs once inhaled
- The diseases caused by asbestos appear 15 to 40 years AFTER first exposure
- Asbestos fibers are small and light so they cannot be seen with the naked eye
- Asbestos MAY be found in:
- Roofing and Siding (Shingles tar)
- Dust and Debris
- Floor and ceiling tile
- Vermiculite insulation
- Mastics, Adhesives and Glues, caulks
- Sheet flooring (Linoleum)
- Drywall, Joint compound
- Grout, Glazing compound
- Piping and fitting insulation
- You cannot tell whether a material contains asbestos by looking at it, a sample must be analyzed
- 2020- Removal of asbestos containing plaster ceiling Dunkirk, NY
- 2019- Window abatement SUNY Fredonia
- 2019- Crawl Space Abatement Buffalo, NY
- 2019- Selective demo SUNY Fredonia
- 2019- Asbestos Floor Tile and Mastic Removal Allegany County
- 2018- Asbestos Vermiculite Insulation Williamsville, NY
Exposure to asbestos can be extremely dangerous, especially if it becomes airborne. From there, it can easily be inhaled and cause serious damage to the tissues in your lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. Exposure can also lead to major health problems, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer. If you discover the presence of asbestos in your home or commercial space, it’s imperative that you contact experienced asbestos abatement contractors, such as those at S.E.G. Construction Inc., immediately for asbestos removal services in the greater Western New York area.
Our contractors are highly skilled and understand that as soon as asbestos is disturbed, it can become airborne and pose a threat to those surrounding it. That’s why we take all necessary precautions when providing asbestos removal services at a home or business, ensuring that you and those who live or work on the property are not exposed.
Give S.E.G. Construction Inc. a call at 716-602-9105 today to schedule asbestos removal at your residential or commercial property in Buffalo, NY and the greater Western New York area.